Search for your program
Your club will have a list of programs on their site or through our site. Navigate to the program you would like to sign your child up for.
Once you find your program press the green button to continue.
Login/ Create your Account
Once you select your account you will get to an Athelink Login page. We use Athelink as our online registration management system. You’ll have two options:
- Login – If you have an existing login for Athelink you can login here and it will retrieve your family account.
- Create an Account – If you do not have an Athelink Account, create one by pressing Click here to Register on the bottom right of the screen.
a. When you create an account for yourself, you will receive an e-mail to activate your account. If you do not receive the e-mail, double check your e-mail spelling and ensure that Athelink is added to your Safe senders list.
b. When you receive the activation e-mail, click on the link to activate your account. It will take you back to Athelink and you can continue your player registration.
c. If you run into any technical support you can contact:
Things to know when registering
1. If you run into technical issues you can send an e-mail to the technical support team through the support button at the bottom right of the screen
2. To help us help you, we'll need screenshots and a full description of any issues.
Option 1: Use Existing Player

When you access the registration form, you will have two options to start:
- Selecting an existing player which you have created a profile for in the past.
- Creating a new profile for another player.
If you Select an existing player, the registration form will recall any information asked in previous registration and pre-populate the form for you.
Option 2: Create a New Player
If you create a new player you will need to enter all the information required by the Organization. You will have two options here
1. I'm logged in as a Player signing myself up.
2. I'm logged in as a Parent signing up my child
Choose the option that applies to you as this will populate your information into the according area.
Family Contact Information
In this section, you will be asked basic contact information questions for your family which will be pre-populated in the other sections in the form so you only have to enter it once.
NOTE: Make sure you fill in all required fields or you won't be able to move forward.
Player Information
1. Contact Information - if an individual has a different address than the family contact information, please change that here
2. General Player information - Enter all the basic player information here.
3. Additional Programs - Based on the Age and Gender specified, you will be offered additional programs here to sign up for. As you add new programs, you will see them reflected in the Order Summary on the right
At the end of this section, you will have the option to add another player or continue to the next section. If there are no more registrations for this family, click on Next. If there is an additional player, a new Player card will show up and you will be able to follow steps 1-3 from this section.
Add Parent/Guardian Information
On this step, you will be asked questions pertaining to yourself/the other guardians for your child.
Emergency Contact Information
On this step, you will be asked questions pertaining to an emergency contact for the athletes registered
NOTE: If the contact is a parent, use the dropdown at the top of the card to select the parent
Organization Policies
Here you will be asked to opt-in to all the association policies.
1. Click the blue link to review the policy.
2. if you do not agree, you will not be able to complete registration.
This step confirms that you have review the information in the form and confirm that all the information is correct.
You're Done!
For any addtional questions please contact us at:
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