If you have made a payment through email money transfer, the payment is not reflected on your invoice immediately. The process is as follows:
- User completes Registration.
- User logins to their banking and sends and EMT to the Organization.
- Organization receives EMT via email from User.
- Organization will deposit when they receive the email notifying them that you have sent the transfer (in some cases, Organization has auto-deposit setup).
- Organization logs into Athelink to post payment under User's profile.
- Users Invoice is updated with payment.
Each Organization is different in terms of how quickly they will update their payments. If your invoice is not updated after a substantial period of time, please reach out to the club.
Athelink does not manage the update of payments on profiles so we urge you to contact your club in regards to payment status.
If you do not know what an email money transfer is, please go here;
What is an E-mail Money Transfer (EMT) & how do I pay using this method?
For any additional questions please contact us at: support@arc.link
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